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RIA Spring gathering | red bull

12th April 2023

As our dedicated Outdoors and Sporting Events Global Partner, John had the pleasure and honour of attending the Running Industry Alliance (RIA) Spring Gathering. The event kicked off with a drinks reception on the picturesque rooftop terrace of Red Bull UK’s headquarters in Covent Garden. With the clear, blue sky overhead, he had stimulating conversations with fellow RIA members about everything running-related.

The evening continued with a delightful dinner and an inspiring speech by Colin Jackson and Wings for Life – Spinal Cord Research Foundation. He witnessed firsthand the positive effects running can have on individuals and communities.

Throughout the event, John met many fascinating people in the running industry and exchanged insightful ideas. It was an honour to belong to a community that shares the same passion for running and strives towards its advancement.

The Running Industry Alliance is an independent national trade organisation formed to aid the UK & Ireland Running Industry in moving forward and improving both business and sport. It brings together diverse sectors of the running industry into ongoing discussions, working together towards a common goal. PartnerWise is proud to be an RIA member, leveraging the collaborative platform to help elevate the industry and support fellow members’ talent aspirations.

The  Wings for Life Foundation is a non-profit institution recognised on a national level for its spinal cord research. Through donations, they support promising research and clinical studies worldwide with one objective: to find a cure for spinal cord injuries. The Foundation’s mission is to demonstrate the regeneration capability of damaged nerve cells, despite scientific consensus to the contrary.

Here you can watch the highlights of the Gathering.


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