our people.
Our team represents a convergence of in-house talent acquirers and HR leadership with global recruiting expertise and understanding from within the specialist sectors we recruit into.
Each member is carefully selected for skills, expertise and brand fit from within the sector, customers, company, market, and cultures in which they focus. All are brand ambassadors for clients and specialists in function and sector with full global reach, candidate network, connectivity, and talent intelligence.
Life at partnerwise.
At PartnerWise, quality, speed and performance are paramount, as is the case in any high-growth company. Our team is not just experienced but also loyal – our founding members are still with us, and the extended team boasts an average tenure of over 8 years.
We have all the elements needed for success. We’re clear about who we are and what we aim to accomplish. Our unique approach positions our team to succeed. The tools we provide enable delivery, while our support, development opportunities, and funding allow our people to grow and reach their full potential. This has led to numerous internal promotions.
At PartnerWise, everyone has a say. We foster an environment of transparency, creativity, and entrepreneurial thinking. Individual achievements are very generously rewarded, and team successes are celebrated in grand style.
PartnerWise Values.
Fusing technical and mechanically engineered accelerators with human insight and connectivity to create candidate access at pace, is at the heart of what we do and how we operate.
Access to previously inaccessible talents via our unique tech, big data, networks and connectivity delivers a proven path to differentiation and competitive advantage for all our customers, our brand and our team.
Collaboration is a founding principle as is the willingness to personalize and ensure everything we do is fit for purpose and adds value to customer challenges or aspirations.
With 8+ years together as a team and over 247 combined years of involvement with global clients and candidates within our sectors of expertise and the country in which they reside we are truly embedded and connected.
an average tenure of 8 years.
celebrating excellence with PartnerWise.
Celebrating excellence with unforgettable incentive trips. Explore the highlights of just a few of the numerous adventures our team has embarked on in the videos below.